What is Body Lifting?

A sleek, well-proportioned body is only a decision away!

Body Lifting, or Body Contouring, refers to a surgical procedure to fully re-sculpt the body, and may encompass liposuction to remove excess fat from the body for complete results. Body Lifts are often necessary to achieve the desired shape after major weight loss or post-partum, in areas of excess skin or sagginess, whereby liposuction alone would produce insufficient outcomes.


All Body Lifting surgeries are performed under general anesthesia.

Duration of Stay:

All Body Lifting surgeries require a 10-day stay in Istanbul, with 1-2 overnight stays at the hospital depending on the case

Body Lifting surgery is divided into 4 main categories:


Arm Lift
An arm lift is a cosmetic surgical procedure aimed at reshaping the lower part of the arm whereby saggy excess skin is snipped off to return the arm to its natural look. It is performed in two cases: after major weight loss (leading to noticeably saggy arms), or after liposuction (excess fat removal) in the arms.

  • Overview of the Procedure:
    An Arm Lift surgery -also known as Brachioplasty- is conducted by making a surgical longitudinal (lengthwise) incision from the underarm to the elbow, the size and length of the incision is dependent upon the amount of excess fat and skin that the patient wishes to remove.


An Abdominoplasty or “tummy tuck” is a cosmetic surgical procedure aimed at toning, tightening and slimming the abdominal area, particularly for individuals who have experienced major weight loss and post-partum women.

  • Overview of the Procedure:
    There are several ways to perform an Abdominoplasty, subject to individual case characteristics. Generally, excess fat is suctioned from the abdominal area, followed by lifting and tightening of the saggy skin and snipping excess folds off (caused by weight loss, liposuction, or otherwise). The incision is usually done widthwise across the lower abdomen, although it can be shaped like an inverted T on rare occasions. A new belly button is formed to replace the one shed with the excess skin. As for postpartum women, this procedure is aimed at toning saggy and relaxed muscles of the abdominal wall.


Back Lift
A Back Lift surgery is notable for contouring and improving the shape and look of the entire body, and it is divided into two categories:  upper and lower back lifts. In both cases, excess skin and underlying fat are removed to give the body a better-proportioned and toned aesthetic. 

  • Overview of the Procedure:
  • Upper Back (Horizontal) Lift:
    An Upper Back Lift targets skin folds and fat layers of the mid to upper back areas, which may extend to the sides or upper abdomen, in order to dispose of these layers and improve the circumference of the upper to mid-back areas and waist. The procedure is performed by making a butterfly-shaped excision of fat and excess skin in the upper back.
  • Lower Back Lift:
    A Lower Back Lift is often performed in conjunction with an Abdominoplasty, whereby not only excess skin is excised from the lower back, but also a Buttock (Gluteal Augmentation) and Thigh Lifts. The surgeon will make a circumferential incision in the lower back area (all around the waistline) to remove excess skin and fat to provide a well-proportioned and sleek waistline before closing up the wound.


Thigh Lift
A Thigh Lift procedure targets the patient’s thigh skin to remove excess folds. It can be accompanied by liposuction to discard fat accumulated in the thigh area, particularly in the inner parts.

  • Overview of the Procedure:
    An incision is made lengthwise on the inner thighs, or in the bikini area, which would be determined by the plastic surgeon depending on specifics of the case and patterns of sagginess. The aim of a Thigh Lift procedure is not the slimming of thighs per se, as this could be achieved through Thigh Liposuction.

Short-Term Post-Op

  • After the surgery, the patient is transmitted directly to their room whereby a team of nurses will monitor their vitals as the anesthesia wears off.
  • Upon waking from anesthesia, the patient may feel some discomfort, swelling, and dizziness. It is nonetheless important to start lightly walking a few hours after waking.
  • The patient is required to wear a special compression corset after undergoing the surgery for the best results.
  • A temporary surgical drainage tube may be fitted in order to drain and dispose of post-op blood and fluid build-up.
  • Most patients will resume normal activities and return to work in 3-4 weeks following the surgery.

Important Instructions and Aftercare

for Pre and Post-Body Lifting

  • Stopping the intake of any vitamins or dietary supplements, as well as refraining from drinking green tea or taking any blood thinners such as Aspirin, one week prior to the surgery (check with your doctor/GP).
  • Reducing (preferably refraining from) smoking one week prior to the surgery.
  • Refraining from alcohol consumption at least one week prior to the surgery.
  • Fasting in the 8 hours leading up to the surgery.
  • Removing all worn jewelry and nail polish before going into surgery.
  • Please inform your personal medical consultant within the Royal Shape team in case of any medical updates prior to the surgery.

Your case will be monitored by the medical follow-up department on a monthly basis following the operation for a full year to ensure adherence to instructions for the best results.